Thursday, January 31, 2013

Four Stars Up Four Stars Down (The Rise and Fall of a Four Star General)

Four Stars up and Four Stars down
(The rise and fall of a Four Star General)

Thinking back on how the media overeacted about the situation involving the infidelity of General and ex CIA Director David Petraeus, I must say I’ve grown weary with how once again the media and people alike react as though this has never been seen before with men of high profile. Most men with any position of power, fortune or fame have a very good percentile of being cheaters. Bill Clinton, John Edwards, and Tiger Woods all powerful men in their own right have been caught with their hands in the cookie jar or jars.

They are ridiculed by the press and public and forced or expected to abdicate their positions. I don’t really agree that that is necessary because stepping out on your marriage has nothing to do with your ability to do your job. This should have been a private matter between spouses.

What about the wife?

Yes let’s examine the position of the poor wife.
In many cases the wife is well aware of his tryst of infidelity but makes her own choice to look the other way.
She has become accustomed to her status that comes from the husband’s career and all it has to offer, like the dinner parties and gaining high social status along with being admired (or gossiped about) by your inner circle of socialites.

  Women who have married or are dating high powered career driven men have been in the game a long time.
They know what comes with the territory.
Hell this particular wife is that of a soldier who at times probably didn’t even know if her husband was going to come home maimed or maybe not at all.
  This woman I’m sure understands the level of stress and accountability and pressure her husband is constantly under.

He's getting in the pants of some star struck female is probably the least thing to be on mind.
The standard call for these wives is: "He may have given you his penis but he will never give you my status".
The breaking point for most of these wives may come from being embarrassed by their husband’s actions publicly.
Once she is called into question on the public stage the odds are she will chooses to leave.

Some women may give him the ultimatum of leaving his high profile position thus removing them from the spotlight.
Now with that being said there are some ground rules to this life style.
The point to acknowledge here is that all parties make these choices. The cheater, the side chick and the wife all have choices. Here’s the hypocrisy of the media and the public.

When he was Serving as a General in the United States Marines Petraeus ordered assaults and attacks on many enemy forces in leading the surge in Afghanistan.
This is said to be the reason these troops will be returning home to their families soon. Unfortunately this has also resulted in who knows how many deaths of U.S. Soldiers who will not be coming home. Those killed in the battlefield.

What about the countless of men, women and children killed or injured while being caught in this hell hole?

He had to make decisions that resulted in the taking of lives people.
 He was given praise and held up as a hero for doing so but because he laid down with another woman outside of his wife all of a sudden he is the lowest of the low and must resign his job as CIA Director.

Lesser of two evils

Could the media better serve the public by reporting on the killings of thousands of soldiers and civilians caught in a foriegn war or a man cheating on his wife?

You stand in his shoes and let’s see how well you sleep at night.
Let's leave that one up to the moral brigade to fight over.

This is a job which calls for you to do some of the most intense and sometimes heinous things that can never be mentioned.

Could you live with that on your conscious and lead a perfect and normal life?
Yet somehow with all of the death and destruction splashed across this man’s past and worn proudly on his chest he is now seen as vermin.

Is that righteousness in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
Let's not forget the conspiracy theorist for which the plot thickens.
Petraeus is being held up for ridicule and a possible link in bringing down a president.

Is this media onslaught for political purposes?
Something for a slow news day perhaps?

It’s really a joke to see people all up in arms over this and the really funny part about this is that this is probably not the only target his personal drone attack has struck.
This was just his miss fortune of screwing a delusional and perhaps a bit catty woman.
She clearly lost her way about the status and definition of a jump- off.
Jump-off: Someone to jump on and then off of.
Note to all the jump-offs out there: KNOW YOUR ROLE!

Now she really has stars in her eyes so be prepared to see or hear her on any talk show that will have her.
She already has her book out about the general with a title (All In) that in retrospect may be a bit more revealing of just how deep Petraeus was in their relationship.
She also by the way happens to be married.
His wife's affair may have caused a severe blow to his ego because now he has to live with the fact she was doing a four star general.
How is he going to compete with that?

Who’s the real winner here?

Chalk another one up for temptation the beast that knows no boundaries.
In a few weeks we will have forgotten all about General Petraeus, his jump-off and those caught up in his deceit But don’t fret I’m sure there is another unsuspecting high profile fool who thinks he has it all figured out until his sloppiness gets him busted and what about you the average Joe or Josephine
Is your secret safe?

                             Written By:
                                    Larry D. Miller

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